
Showing posts from December, 2019


"The hope of the righteous brings joy" Prov 10:28      It's December 15th! Wow, only 10 days til Christmas! I hope that doesn't make you anxious! I don't know why but I feel like this time of year sneaks up on me, EVERY YEAR! 😕       Thankfully, as a family, we are prepared, for the most part. Most (def not ALL!) of the gifts are purchased & plans are made.  Calendar filled  with activities & various parties.  Cards are addressed and ready to send out. Now to get to the post office!       Fortunately, I have been able to sneak in moments of joy where I truly feel like "it's the most wonderful time of year"! The first two weeks of Dec, my family was quite busy being active in Christmas activities with my church. My soul was nourished as my church was able to pour into our community. Last Friday, we (homeschool group) went Christmas caroling @ a nursing home. My heart burst as I saw all their smiling faces. This week isn't quite