
Showing posts from November, 2019


Hello!👋 Yeah, it's REALLY me!! Hard to believe it's been over 2 months since my last post! I guess I can say "I am back!!" From where, that I don't know…let's see, we packed, we moved, we unpacked & settled in (for the most part) & well, lived life…Dare I even say that I have been "busy"… … "too busy" to do something that I am doing for myself... writing!  ✍ U gh, I hate to admit that.… To me, busy means distracted, which reminds me of the saying : "If Satan can't make you bad, he'll make you busy ."-Corrie ten Boom. Isn't that just like Satan to get in the way & make me forget why I am doing this, "to fill these "pages" with Words of Truth"...Well,   I don't want to be BUSY  anymore...Today, I choose to " Commit [my] ways to the  Lord ; trust in him" Psalm 37:5. As I type this, it's Thanksgiving 🦃 Eve...Where has the  time gone❓❗❓❗...For a week