
Showing posts from August, 2020

More than Conquerors

                                                                                                                                                    Hi Friends! Sorry I have been quiet these last few months. I wish I could say it's because I have been super productive... Honestly, I have been struggling. Unsure of what to say... These strange times have drawn me to my knees more often than ever before. I  have felt weak...troubled... heartbroken... Last week during church worship, it all came streaming out. I couldn't stop the tears. I walked into church happy & thinking all was well. However, the tears still came.  Why❓❓ My heart has been aching for our country, our society & what this all means for my children who will be grown so quickly... I have been fearful...  But Jesus, HE is my strength.  God has been faithful through it all❗❕ He has been bringing a lot Scripture  to my mind 💖                                 Usually, by this time of year, I am  MORE  focused o