First Week Frenzy

"A man’s heart plans his way, BUT the Lord directs his steps." Prov 16:9

     Happy Sunday! Hard to believe we are already OVER a week into September. Sorry it's been a while since you have heard from me. I was excited to get my weekly planning done then life happened. 😒

     Last Sunday I was thrilled to have gotten my planner filled in & curriculum prepped for the entire week, including our co-op class! Pages were marked, copies made & DVD's made readily available. Victory! 💪 

Meals in last column
Planner filled in

     By that afternoon, I had all my planner "blocks" filled in with what my kiddos were gonna learn. I also had meals planned out for the entire week! I love how my planner has extra empty boxes. I made one entire column for meals. Not sure why I didn't do that before. In the past I had a separate calendar that often goes unnoticed and forgotten about. Guess what?!?! I even shopped for all meals for the week on Sunday evening. I don't usually have it all together, so I was pretty proud of myself. YAY! 🙌

Twins with their first day masterpieces

     I forgot to mention that even though I had originally planned to start on Tues, the looming talk about Hurricane Dorian made me decide to start a day earlier, on Labor Day. Our first day of the 2019-2020 school year went pretty well!  We didn't have any other plans that day, plus my kiddos were feeling antsy. OK, I was the one feeling antsy! We started our day @ 9:30, long after the buses had passed. Boxes were checked off in our schedule and we even had time to go take our back-to-school pictures, all before the school buses dropped off. 

Starting our day with Bible study 

     One of my favorite parts of our day was our Bible Study time. We did our study on the living room floor because "why not??" The Bible Quest curriculum has been a good addition to our day. It's a good tool to keep us all on the same page. 😀

     Tuesday went much like Monday...Busy kiddos doing all their work....Boxes checked off in my planner. 😏

     ❗❗Well, flash forward to Wednesday when the talk of Hurricane Dorian was getting pretty serious. I had flashbacks to Florence when we evacuated to Atlanta as my hubs flew out an aircraft. I didn't want to think about what would happen if another Florence type hurricane hit our area. SO, needless to say I was a bit frantic. We spent a lot of time Wed planning & prepping for different scenarios. We didn't plan to evacuate since there wasn't a base wide call. This time my husband was home so I was fine not evacuating. 
...BTW, we stayed put and didn't evacuate❗❗

Our local schools ended up not having school on Thursday, which my kiddos thought would mean them as well. Sorry kiddos, as long as we have electricity, school is on 😂 Honestly though, we spent the entire day watching Dorian on the news which meant we didn't get much schoolwork done. Outside of Bible study and math, I was glued to the t.v. for updates. The tornado warnings is what really kept me glued to the t.v. 

The rule in our house is no electronic use during the school day (at least until 5). So, while the news was on, my kiddos played various board games. I like to think that learning occurred 👍 I counted it as a school day anyway 🤪
    🙏 I praise God that we were spared from Hurricane Dorian. The winds were frightening & rain torrential at times. Not much sleep was had. We only lost power for about 12 hours, which was enough for us to be uncomfortable, but grateful to know that it could be worse. We didn't get any school done on Friday, which usually consists of homeschool co-op. My kiddos always look forward to our co-op, as do I. 
BTW, for anyone who is local and would like information on a great co-op, contact me for details 😁
     It's heartbreaking 💔to see the devastation Hurricane Dorian left in it's path. I remember how long it took our community to recover from Florence (many are still recovering!) & my heart aches for those affected . If you want to help out, like I know many do, I would consider Samaritan's Purse. They were already on the ground in the Bahamas as of Wed (9/4). They also had a very large presence here in the aftermath of Florence. 💜
Click the link to help:

     I am now off to plan for this week. Although, my plans didn't last week didn't go the way I wanted them, they definitely went God's way. I am glad that I write in pencil & utilize my eraser (sometimes more often than I want). 😜 

Let's see what God has in store for us this week! 😃

Until next time!

Have a happy, HOPE-FILLED week! 💝


BTW, here is a link to the planner I use. It's very functional & full of encouraging Bible verses & quotes.


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