A New Creation

"If anyone is in Christ, [she] is a new creation. The old has passed away; 
behold the new has come" 2 Cor 5:17

     This was the verse in my morning devotions. This is one of my favorite verses & one that I had read @ my baptism in June 2002. Amazing that it has been 17 years since I surrendered my life to Jesus. I am forever grateful that I am a new creation & the old has passed away. Even though I fall short DAILY, His grace covers it all. Hallelujah! 

     Well, fast forward 17 yrs, almost exactly to the month, my oldest daughter, Jasmyn, reaffirmed her faith in Christ & chose to get baptized again. She was baptized when she was younger but she feels as she grows in her faith & knowledge of Christ that she had to be baptized &  display her love for Him. I couldn't be more excited! I was beside myself feeling like I don't deserve this gift... A teenage daughter who goes against the grain of society & wholeheartedly follows Jesus!! 

🠜THIS GIRL RIGHT HERE! To be honest, she really tested me when she was a baby & toddler! It truly made me "nervous" as to what the teen years would be like..."But God"...He already knew what she would be like. He knew that she would have a humble, grace-filled spirit that seeks after Him. I am grateful that I get to disciple her along the way. I know she will do GREAT things for God. She has a heart for missions and a desire to grow up to be a nurse where she will be helping people. "May God bless her & keep her" (Num 6:24). 

As a homeschool mom, it's easy to believe that LIE that I am not doing enough or even that I am not enough. But these photos are a great reminder that God has me right where He wants me! I truly can breath a                                     sigh of relief. He IS in control! Praise the Lord!

Ok friends, it's time to stop believing the LIE! We are enough! 

Is there something you are holding back from because you believe that lie??

Time to stop & start praising God because you "are fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalm 139:14. 

See you next time! 

Have a happy, Hope Filled Tuesday!  


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