
Showing posts from August, 2019

Our Yearly Tradition

Hello Friends!      So, today is Sunday the 25th of August! Summer is flying by! Sorry I have been a little quiet lately. Sadly, I have been busy (ugh, I hate that word!!) that this blog has already been pushed to the back burner.       To update on our situation, we BOUGHT a new house!! Eeek 😀 It's about 13 min from our current home. So, my kiddos will start off their school year with a lot of life skills with  planning & packing. In my Marine Corps days, I was a Logistician/ embarker. Basically, I planned & packed major unit "evolutions"... ...Needless to say, "Fun times are up ahead!!" 😅      It's back-to-school season right now. It's that time of the year where my Facebook news-feed is filled with adorable "back-to-school" photos. The public schools in our area head back tomorrow morning. We will definitely be praying that they all have a wonderful day! 💖      As a way of "celebrating" homeschool, we have a t

Trust...why is it so hard sometimes

" Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight" Prov 3:5-6       Happy August 14th! Isn't it insane how we are already about 1/2 way through the 8th month of the year! Not to sound too cliche, but where is the time going?!?!          Lots of things (mostly pondering) have been happening over here @ The Mattesons; not necessarily homeschool related, but life related, which let's face it, it does affect homeschool. To be honest, it's taken up most of my brain space (really there isn't much room left up there 😂). So for now, I have had a hard time focusing on much else. So, glad we don't start for another 20 days 😅      For those that don't know, my husband is Marine Corps pilot (swoon!). I can't believe I have actually lived this Marine Corps life for the last 22 yrs❗❗ 8 yrs as a Marine myself & later as a spouse. This life has be

Planning, planning & more planning...

"Commit your work to the  Lord , and your plans will be established." Prov 16:3             So here we are already 8(!) days into August! I am just shocked how quick the time is going. I am feeling pretty relieved that I decided we "officially" start our homeschool after Labor Day...only 3 1/2 wks left to plan! 💆      This will be my 6th consecutive year, I took about a 2 yr break while twins were super little & keeping me busy. Anyway, even after 6 yrs it's still a bit daunting for me to get through the planning stage. I always feel a little overwhelmed. I think that feeling is especially pronounced now that I will have 2 high schoolers! Somehow my oldest will be in 10th grade...Do I really only have 3 yrs left with her?!?! & only 4 left with my 2nd born?!?!                                      ... I better make this time count!       Our curriculum is eclectic. I like to pull from different places so that it fits our family & wha

Seeking Our Joy

 According to John Piper, one should "seek your joy in the joy of your spouse" ( Desiring God , 205)      Last week, my husband and I celebrated our 16th anniversary! I'm still beside myself thinking, "Has it really been that long?!?!" I guess time really does fly when we are having fun! It feels like yesterday that we were the "newly" weds in our circle of friends. It feels pretty good knowing that we have made it this far, though tough at times...But by God's grace!       To celebrate our anniversaries, we have really made it a point to get "away" & spend time together.  As a homeschool family, our kiddos are almost always "underfoot", even the two teenagers. We spend a lot of time together as a family...which I absolutely LOVE!!! It's nice, however, to remember that "we" were first...It's funny though, even after 16 yrs, I was a little nervous about what our date would be, what wi