Trust...why is it so hard sometimes

    "Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight" Prov 3:5-6
     Happy August 14th! Isn't it insane how we are already about 1/2 way through the 8th month of the year! Not to sound too cliche, but where is the time going?!?! 
     Lots of things (mostly pondering) have been happening over here @ The Mattesons; not necessarily homeschool related, but life related, which let's face it, it does affect homeschool. To be honest, it's taken up most of my brain space (really there isn't much room left up there 😂). So for now, I have had a hard time focusing on much else. So, glad we don't start for another 20 days 😅

     For those that don't know, my husband is Marine Corps pilot (swoon!). I can't believe I have actually lived this Marine Corps life for the last 22 yrs❗❗ 8 yrs as a Marine myself & later as a spouse. This life has been one of uncertainties filled with adventure, or is it the other way around?!?! Fun times for sure! 😝

     Anyway, my husband is close to retirement & now we have to figure out what we want out of the last 4 yrs of his career. We have been doing a lot of "praying & pondering" (so FUN to say!) about what life will look like in the next few years...OK, really what we would like it to look like. We def know that this life doesn't always go as planned. Although, I have actually LOVED many of its moments!! It has brought many blessings and friendships into our life. It hasn't always been easy, even scary @ times...

     There is a big part of me that wants to FREAK out about the not knowing....yes, even after 22 yrs I kind of want to crawl out of my skin as we sit in "limbo". Ideally, we would like to stay where we are & actually lay down some roots, which means time to look for our forever (longer than 3 yrs) home. Even though neither of us are from the area, we have grown to love this place. So we have been busy looking @ floor plans & scouring home sale sites, as well as going to "open houses",  which all sounds FUN but it's actually been exhausting for me (ugh, 1st world problems I know 😔). 

    So, this is a pic of a wooden plaque in our home. We did this as a family project about a yr ago. It is our family Bible verse. I see it everyday. Well, today, I really looked @ it & remembered His promises. It's crazy because I know He has fulfilled this promise many, many, many times in the past. Why do we do that sometimes?!?! ...Forget His goodness & promises, even when we have seen them countless times...
     Needless to say, I have a sweet peace that He will put us where He wants us. I will TRUST Him with these decisions & know that He will make this path of life straight. I'm done leaning on my own understanding, which is nothing compared to His! 

     In the meantime, as I TRUST Him, I will keep you all posted on our decision about our future home. I would love to have you pray with us as we "pray & ponder" all the life decisions coming up!

     What are you having a hard time trusting God with in you life?!?
...Time to TRUST Him with ALL your heart & lean on His understanding... 

See you next time!!

Have a happy, HOPE FILLED Wednesday! 


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