Seeking Our Joy

 According to John Piper, one should "seek your joy in the joy of your spouse" (Desiring God, 205)

     Last week, my husband and I celebrated our 16th anniversary! I'm still beside myself thinking, "Has it really been that long?!?!" I guess time really does fly when we are having fun! It feels like yesterday that we were the "newly" weds in our circle of friends. It feels pretty good knowing that we have made it this far, though tough at times...But by God's grace! 

     To celebrate our anniversaries, we have really made it a point to get "away" & spend time together. As a homeschool family, our kiddos are almost always "underfoot", even the two teenagers. We spend a lot of time together as a family...which I absolutely LOVE!!! It's nice, however, to remember that "we" were first...It's funny though, even after 16 yrs, I was a little nervous about what our date would be, what will we talk about?? 16 yrs & we STILL have things to say to each other?? 

     Our getaway this year was staying downtown Raleigh, eating delicious steak @ Sullivan's Steakhouse & then going kayaking down the Tar River. Needless to say, we had a great time & were never without conversation, except when we were taking in the serene beauty of when we went kayaking. 


     I don't really have any gems 💎 of wisdom when it comes to making our marriage work, except to make sure you are spending time together, without children. On non-anniversary days, we go on evening walks alone. It doesn't have to be much, just something that you can connect with your spouse without kids in tow...Just make time 😉

See you next time! 

Have a happy, HOPE FILLED Sunday! 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy Anniversary! It's great that you and your husband got some time together - sounds like a fun trip!


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