Our Yearly Tradition

Hello Friends!

     So, today is Sunday the 25th of August! Summer is flying by! Sorry I have been a little quiet lately. Sadly, I have been busy (ugh, I hate that word!!) that this blog has already been pushed to the back burner. 

     To update on our situation, we BOUGHT a new house!! Eeek 😀 It's about 13 min from our current home. So, my kiddos will start off their school year with a lot of life skills with  planning & packing. In my Marine Corps days, I was a Logistician/embarker. Basically, I planned & packed major unit "evolutions"...
...Needless to say, "Fun times are up ahead!!" 😅

     It's back-to-school season right now. It's that time of the year where my Facebook news-feed is filled with adorable "back-to-school" photos. The public schools in our area head back tomorrow morning. We will definitely be praying that they all have a wonderful day! 💖

     As a way of "celebrating" homeschool, we have a tradition of going out to breakfast on the 1st day of public school. As a mom of 4, I am already used to the "looks" so what better way to get even more "looks" than going out in public the day that most kiddos head back to school!! 😂 Ok, I am only half kidding about that...But it is fun to answer tons of questions with, "Well, we homeschool so they are ALWAYS  in school." As tradition, we clear our schedule and just be "out" @ parks & other fun places...Other than breakfast, we don't have any other plans tomorrow but look forward to a day of being together to "celebrate". 8 days 'til Matteson Academy is back in session. 

     What about your homeschooling family? Do you have any traditions?? 

See you next time!!

Have a HOPE-FILLED Sunday! 





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