For such a time as this...

"And who knows but that you have come to your...position for such a time as this?" 
Esther 4:14

I know many are feeling overwhelmed right now...I totally get that❗

9 yrs ago, when we chose to homeschool, it wasn't a decision that we took lightly. We prayerfully considered it, as a family. We knew it was God's calling on our lives & what was best for our family.

I can't imagine how your lives have turned upside down...especially during an already fearful time

My heart 💓 is burdened right now, for you❗ In such a short time our world 🌎 has completely changed. Don't forget, our kiddos feel it too...the fear, uncertainty, the change is unsettling for all...Yes, even this seasoned homeschool momma feels it.

I know I have been "quiet" on this blog lately. Last month's surgery really threw me for a loop. Recovery took much longer than anticipated & I feel like I have been playing "catch-up" ever since, even though my little troopers have maintained their school schedule pretty well. I learned the hard way that I have a hard letting go of control, i.e. my schedule..oops. Well, God is definitely working in me here...Praise God for GRACE!

SO, I am back! During a VERY weird time in history...where practically all of the world is homeschooling.

How is your family dealing so far❓❓

Nothing has changed for us. My hubs is @ work (not deployed!), kiddos @ home. Business as usual here @ Matteson Academy, except we can't see our friends @ co-op or take part in extracurricular activities. Actually, that part is kind of nice. We have SLOWED way down as a family. My heart loves our evening family walks. Days like thses used to be "few & far between". The days of racing to activities & then home to grab some food, only to race out again to grab kiddos have been put on hold....Oh & guess what?!?! We have seen many families out & about enjoying leisurely walks...What a BLESSING❗❗

I pray that you see the blessings, as I do 🙂

The Bible verse above has been running through my head lately. I want to encourage you to meditate on it. You have been placed exactly where God wants you to be during this time. At this time, most families are together, spending all their time together. What an opportunity to shepherd your child's heart 💖 like NEVER before❗ You now have their undivided attention, no racing out the door for anything❗

I have seen a lot of people helping each other, from free homeschool help/apps to live workout/nutrion videos. Wow, there is a lot of love 💓 on display❗ Isn't technology grand

One of my favorite things have been the FREE homeschool conference "How to Homeschool Summit". Perfect for those new to it! Click this link for more info: Did I mention it was FREE!!!

Please reach out & let me know how I can help you. I am praying for YOU🙏

Even though things may look daunting right now, "“With man this is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible” Matt 19:26

GOD is in control❗

Thanks for reading! 

See you next time! 

Have a happy, HOPE filled day! 

'Til next time 😁 


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