"Risks" of Homeschooling
I am sure many of you have seen the article published by Harvard Magazine that outlines risks of homeschooling. I admit that I am annoyed by the article, but not surprised. As a homeschool mom of almost 9 years I have heard/read all of it before. Of course, since an elitist college writes it, the whole world listens.
So, I wanted to share my own personal risks that I have encountered during our time of homeschooling.
✱✱Please note, this is NOT an exhaustive list nor is it any specific order. Also, my words will not be as eloquently written, so…good luck 🤣✱✱
- Risk #1: You might find that you actually like your kids ❗
- Risk #2: You might find that your kids actually like you 🤯
- Risk #3: You might find that your kids actually want to talk to you, even when they are teenagers ❗❗
- Risk #4: You, the parent, might learn a little something too 🤔
- Risk #5: You might get to witness "ah-ha" moments when a child finally understands a concept they have struggled with 👏
- Risk #6: You might find you have "ah-ha" moments as you finally understand a concept you never completely understood 💣
- Risk #7: You might find yourself in God's Word more often 📖
- Risk #8: Your kids might grow to tolerate each other or even like each other....who knows, they might even become best friends 🤗
- Risk #9: You might find yourself relying on God for strength & endurance A LOT more often ❕
- Risk #10: You might get to point your kids (& yourself) to Jesus on.the.daily ☝
- Risk #11: Your kids might actually learn to think critically in a more free environment without group think & peer pressure 💥
- Risk #12: Your kids might grow to LOVE learning 🧠
- Risk #13: You might find out that homeschool is more about "home"🏡 & less about school
- Risk #14: You might find there are tears...but even more laughter 😻
- Risk #15: You might find that the days are long but the years are ever so short & you need to make the most of them 💟
So, what RISKS have you seen in your homeschool?
✱I look forward to your feedback✱
Thanks for reading! 🕮
Have a happy 😃, HOPE-filled day 🕇
Praying for you 🙏
Have a happy 😃, HOPE-filled day 🕇
Praying for you 🙏
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