
Showing posts from 2020

More than Conquerors

                                                                                                                                                    Hi Friends! Sorry I have been quiet these last few months. I wish I could say it's because I have been super productive... Honestly, I have been struggling. Unsure of what to say... These strange times have drawn me to my knees more often than ever before. I  have felt weak...troubled... heartbroken... Last week during church worship, it all came streaming out. I couldn't stop the tears. I walked into church happy & thinking all was well. However, the tears still came.  Why❓❓ My heart has been aching for our country, our society & what this all means for my children who will be grown so quickly... I have been fearful...  But Jesus, HE is my strength.  God has been faithful through it all❗❕ He has been bringing a lot Scripture  to my mind 💖                                 Usually, by this time of year, I am  MORE  focused o

"Risks" of Homeschooling

       I am sure many of you have seen the article published by  Harvard Magazine  that outlines risks of homeschooling. I admit that I am annoyed by the article, but not surprised. As a homeschool mom of almost 9 years I have heard/read all of it before. Of course, since an elitist college writes it, the whole world listens.      So, I wanted to share my own personal risks that I have encountered during our time of homeschooling. ✱ ✱ Please note, this is NOT an exhaustive list nor is it any specific order. Also, my words will not be as eloquently written, so…good luck 🤣 ✱ ✱ Risk #1 : You might find that you actually like your kids ❗ Risk #2 : You might find that your kids actually like you 🤯 Risk #3 : You might find that your kids  actually want to talk to you, even when they are teenagers ❗❗ Risk #4 : You, the parent, might learn a little something too 🤔 Risk #5 : You might get to witness "ah-ha" moments when a child finally understands a conce

Approaching Passover

Happy Holy Week!  I wanted to take some time to share with you an exciting Jewish celebration coming up :  PASSOVER!    The feast of Passover is one of the most important Jewish festivals & it starts tomorrow (4/8/2020)! It is k nown as Pesach in Hebrew. You can find the original Passover story in  Exodus 12 . It is an intriguing story about how God freed the Israelites from slavery. Traditionally it lasts 7-8 days. As a family, we generally only take part in the Seder meal, which has specific rituals and names.  In the past, I have added it to our homeschool week and celebrated it in our home in some form. This year we have added the  Days United Passover Box , which I am super excited about! Have you ever celebrated with you family? I was blessed to be able to share with my Bible study group a few years ago. Last year, we had member of  Jews For Jesus  visit our church to illustrate the beautiful Seder meal. They have a FREE Livestream experience that you ca

Passion Week Countdown

  "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith"  Heb 12:3  Happy Sunday!  I don't know about you, but the days have all blended together. We had church service from our couch, again. I really am not sure what/how I feel about it. My soul longs for fellowship! I truly look forward to the day when my church family can be together again 💖     When all is so scary in our world, it can be hard to look past the bleak & dreary. I don't want to lose sight of the season we are quickly approaching. 2 weeks away til Passion Week , then Resurrection (Easter) Sunday ❗❗ With all kiddos @ home, I think it's perfect to take advantage of this time to disciple them. I wanted to use this time to give you some ideas that we have done or plan to do as a family.   It's a short list so as to not inundate you with even more info. Take a look & let me know what you think 😊    ❋S

For such a time as this...

"And who knows but that you have come to your...position for such a time as this?"  Esther 4:14 I know many are feeling overwhelmed right now...I totally get that❗ 9 yrs ago, when we chose to homeschool, it wasn't a decision that we took lightly. We prayerfully considered it, as a family. We knew it was God's calling on our lives & what was best for our family. I can't imagine how your lives have turned upside down...especially during an already fearful time ❗ My heart 💓 is burdened right now, for you❗ In such a short time our world 🌎 has completely changed. Don't forget, our kiddos feel it too...the fear, uncertainty, the change is unsettling for all...Yes, even this seasoned homeschool momma feels it. I know I have been "quiet" on this blog lately. Last month's surgery really threw me for a loop. Recovery took much longer than anticipated & I feel like I have been playing "catch-up" ever since,

Is it REALLY February??

Happy  LOVE  month!  "...God is LOVE!" 1 John 4:8 So, I guess I am back! Although, I couldn't tell you where I went 🤔 I have heard a lot of people say that January (2020) has been the longest " year" so far...for me, January FLEW by. I was barely able to catch my breath❗❕❗ After the holidays, we settled back into our normal routine, homeschool, work (for me & my teenagers), gymnastics, soccer, etc. My youngest had her 1st gymnastics meet...Now, somehow, we are 34 days into 2020 & I am still writing '19 when I sign documents 😳 Actually, Jan was a trying month. One of my favorite cousins, Ricky, passed away VERY suddenly. 😭 My heart still can't understand that. 💔Sadly, I wasn't able to attend his funeral.  ... I have also been in a lot of physical pain, which after a visit to the ER, found out it was from gallstones 👎I am scheduled for gallbladder removal surgery Feb 11. 😞  I press on ... I have been ba